Ortofon MC Cadenza Red
The search for better cartridges continues. Following the successful models of Ortofon Kontrapunkt and MC Jubilee, the application of new materials and winding processes has led to the MC Cadenza line. The MC Cadenza Mono has also been created with dedicated mono enthusiasts in mind.
Cadenza is the Italian word for cadence, referring to the silence a orchestra breaks before a solo instrument plays. This is usually when the soloist performs their most complex piece. The analogy with the cartridge is easily understood.
Microdynamics and ambiance are key to the sound of the MC Cadenza cartridges. The sound of the Cadenza Red is relaxed, homogeneous, moderately dynamic, and offers a lot of space and depth in the stereo image.
The Ortofon MC Cadenza Red model uses a Nude Fine Line stylus with a cylindrical aluminum cantilever. The radius of the stylus is r/R 8/40 µm.
The coils are made of 6NX (99.9999%) pure silver wire.
An improved winding process on the armature ensures better channel balance
The Cadenza Red model is using a nude fine line stylus with a cylindrical aluminium cantilever. The stylus tip radius is r/R 8/40 µm. The coils are made from 6NX (99.9999 %) pure silver wire. An improved winding process on the armature allows a better channel balance. The sound picture of Cadenza Red is more relaxed, homogeneous and moderately dynamic in the perspective compared to the Cadenza Blue and have great space and depth in the stereo image.
- Specifications Ortofon MC Cadenza Red
– Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec 450 µV
– Channel balance < 1,5 dB
– Channel separation at 1 kHz > 23 dB
– Channel separation at 15 kHz > 15 dB
– Frequency range at -3 dB 20 Hz – 50 kHz
– Frequency response 20 Hz – 20 kHz -3
– Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force *) 80 µm
– Compliance, dynamic, lateral 12 µm/mN
– Stylus type Nude fine line, Al. cantilever
– Stylus tip radius r/R 8/40
– Tracking force range 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN)
– Tracking force recommended 2,5 g (25 mN)
– Tracking angle 20º
– Internal impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm
– Recommended load impedance 50-500 Ohm
– Cartridge body material Stainless steel Aluminium
– Cartridge colour Red/Black
– Cartridge weight 10,7 g
For more information, visit the website of Ortofon: https://www.ortofon.com/mc-quintet-bronze-p-548
Het Deense Ortofon werd in 1918 – opgericht door Axel Petersen en Arnold Poulsen. In 1946 produceert de firma – inmiddels onder de naam Fonofilm Industri A/S – de eerste mono snijkop voor de grammafoonindustrie. Al in 1948 ziet het eerste Moving Coil element het levenslicht met karakteristieken die passen bij de kwaliteit van de snijkop. In 1957 maakt Ortofon de stap van mono naar stereo en ontwikkelt de stereo snijkop. Gedurende de periode ‘57 tot ‘59 worden de legendarische SPU (Stereo Pick-Up) elementen voor het eerst gefabriceerd, en deze modellen worden nog steeds gemaakt. Tot op heden is Ortofon toonaangevend met het produceren van wereldvermaarde elementen.